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Old Western Dudes Still Inappropriately Touching Young Thai Women Despite Purported Global Paradigm Shift in Gender Shit

BANGKOK – The sere edges of Bangkok’s notorious and overpostulated sex jungle turned an even more scabrous shade of yellowcrust on Monday when it became crystal clear that Western men who have reinhabited the city post-covid lockdown are still baiting, chatting up and unreservedly touching young ladies throughout the city despite newly instituted global standards proscribing such conduct.

The young women, thought by many to be Thai but who some believe could be Mongolians, the disgraced former Korean girlfriends of Japanese Yakuza or even cash-starved White Russians, have been witnessed in traditionally sex-heavy Bangkok nightspots returning the tactile advances of the men, sometimes by stroking the gray-brown hair strands curlicued around their balding pates, open-mouth tongue-throating them or even digging their hands in the gentlemens’ back or front pockets in a universal sign of elder respect.

Experts on human relations interviewed by BIA said the young women’s failure to conform to the new standards came at the expense of the global effort to cut off oldish white men at their nads, before they had a chance to do further societal damage through their various forms of intercourse.

“What we’re seeing here is opportunity in action,” said Evana Wilkie Tran, a sociologist at the East-West Center for Global Intransigence in Honolulu, Hawaii. “It’s pretty obvious these women have not been formally inculcated into the benchmark feminist thought paradigm on the issue but are instead using their pro forma life knowledge – what a layperson would call ‘street smarts’ – to advance their own pecuniary interests.”

“Although this type of behavior is not unusual in developing societies, these women should know that they are playing right into the hands of the male orthodoxy that demands an often unfair exchange of, for example, brazen sexual acts for money, or even the promise of permanent relationship status via the timeworn trope of ‘marriage,'” Tran said.

“It can’t stop until these women tell these men it’s time to stop, and yet in our society leveraging economic advantage seems to trump all other considerations when trying to climb life’s ladder of success,” said Tran, whose position at the East-West Center is being funded by a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant of $10.5 million, or the exact amount of money that could lift every young woman in Thailand out of poverty for the next three centuries so that no one would ever have to study the issue of the male-female power dynamic in semi-despotic, sexpat-loving Southeast Asian countries ever again.

CLARIFICATION: This story has been updated to clarify the type of young women that crusty old Western men are pursuing without compunction. These are mostly young Thai women, with a smattering of young women from other Asian countries and also many, many Thai ladyboys.

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