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New York Times Goes Full Frontal With Dork Editor’s High School Prom Trauma Photo Spread

NEW YORK – Pretty much everyone at the New York Times agreed on Thursday that this was the best look for their new executive editor, Joe Kahn: Slightly Askew Ties ‘R Us Matte Black Couture with the “I was actually laid quite a lot on my China assignment” come-hither-thee-gently Blue Boy look topped off with the “Fierce!” mandarin character coffee mug (matching tattoo on back cankle: To Be Sure) and the I-bought-this-in-Persia-when-it-wasn’t-yet-Iran “oriental” rug that some intern hocked in Poughkeepsie. And also the newspaper.

This is a breaking story that BIA will update shortly after digesting. What the absolute fuck.

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